Korean Skincare Products To Watch Out For This Year: A Google Trends Analysis

Korean skincare has seen a massive rise in popularity over the last few years. The first time I heard about Korean skincare & beauty products was when I was doing a 3 month stint in Taipei and one of my friends was looking for BB Cream. Until then I had no idea that there exists a country full of people that are obsessed with skincare and companies that create skincare product & design innovations from texture changing face washes to under-eye cream in panda shaped packaging. This knowledge was the turning point of my current skincare obsession.

I went back to the US and raved about Korean skincare to whoever would listen to me. Then in 2013 I moved to India and tried convincing people that Korea is where the real skincare game is at. No one really believed me though mainly because, at the time, it was so difficult to get your hands on Korean skincare & makeup. Fast forward to 2018 and K-Beauty is everywhere. People now recognize K-beauty companies for the innovative, effective and affordable products. Brands like Innisfree, The Face Shop and Laneige are widely known now.

My K-beauty obsession is also now stronger than ever. I’ve taken this obsession beyond my vanity shelf to Instagram & blog posts. I also send out weekly newsletters of the biggest beauty news that week. I was researching this week’s newsletter content when I decided to look at the progressive of K-beauty popularity over time. I turned to Google Trends for the data.

Here’s what I found:

  1. Overview

    • Searches worldwide about Korean skincare have exponentially grown since 2011 with the highest number of searches in Feb 2018.
    • In the last 12 months the #6 related query when people search ‘skincare’ in Google is ‘Korean skincare’
    • Korean skincare searches are well below searches related to ‘Fenty’. Pop culture status trumps everything.
  2. Biggest trends & products to look out for

    • Glass skin searches are rising which means that people will be looking to purchase products that help them achieve that look.
    • These ingredients will be hugely popular this year:
    • Essences, sleeping masks and sheet masks will maintain their popularity over this year with essences perhaps seeing an increase in popularity.
  3. Products that will lose popularity this year

    • People haven’t searched much for derma-rolling compared to jade rolling over the last 12 months so I think it is unlikely to become as big a trend as jade rolling. I think that one of the biggest reasons why derma-rolling won’t take off is because it sounds surgical and intimidating compared to jade rolling.
    • Snail mucin is losing its popularity compared to earlier this year.

It’s hugely promising that the number of Korean skincare searches are increasing. This growing popularity means that more K-beauty products will be hitting the shelves worldwide and I can hardly wait!


Hack Your Brain To Increase Your Productivity

The neediest thing in my life isn’t a person – it’s my phone. It constantly demands my attention through push notifications and little red numbers on the top right corner of apps. My rude awakening came when I tracked how much time I spend on my phone. At my most distracted day I spent 7 hours on my phone. Which means that after factoring in 8 hours of sleep, I spent 50% of my day on my phone. And I don’t even remember what I was doing.

Things needed to change.

Being on the phone is so addicting because social media apps are literally only showing you articles, videos and memes that you like. It’s tough to put down the phone when a cute cat meme pops up on your newsfeed. But the distraction is costly. More time on my phone means less time to create & focus on more important and meaningful tasks.

Creating and contributing to projects makes people happy. So why do we sabotage ourselves by giving in to distractions? The reason is time-inconsistency – a behavioural economics principle that describes our lack of foresightedness. We do things in the present moment that we will regret in the future. So how do we overcome this insanely natural tendency? By taking a moment to notice and be present. The next time you’re on your phone and you realise that you’re almost falling down a spiral of mindless content consumption — take a deep breath and note how you’re feeling in that moment. If reading that article, watching that video isn’t giving you joy or adding value to your day put your phone down.

It’s hard and the first time is the hardest. What helps is thinking about the second & third order consequences of staying on your phone for any longer. Don’t let your natural tendencies sabotage your future happiness.

An easy way to start is by putting your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode for a few hours every day. Add all the important people in your life to your ‘Favourites’ list so that the phone will ring any time the call or text. All else is not important.

Next, divide your day into focus & rest periods. Numerous studies have shown that people are most productive when they focus in bursts and then fully rest in between focus periods. However, keeping track of the time is counterproductive so the best way to do this is to download a desktop app.

Ultimately, noticing distractions and slowly minimizing them to avoid temptations can vastly increase your productivity and even make you happier.

All you need to do is change the settings.

An Ayurvedic End To The Day

Ayurveda dominated the wellness space in 2017 and is here to stay in 2018 (moringa, anyone?). But while most of these wellness trends are suggested to everyone, the real magic unfolds when you choose the right treatments for your dosha. This is easy when it comes to food, difficult when it comes to skincare. So imagine my joy when I found an oil cleanser for Pitta, my dosha. Pitta skin type is super oily which makes finding the perfect oil cleanser slightly challenging. Samaya’s Pitta Hydrating Cleanser is creamy, removes makeup almost instantly and, leaves my skin feeling hydrated AND clean. Also, this cleanser leaves virtually no residue which makes it literally magic. My quest for the perfect oil cleanser has officially ended.

I follow the oil cleansing with Purearth’s Turmeric Exfoliating Face Sand because double cleansing is life. It instantly brightens my skin and unclogs my pores. On some days I spread an even layer of the sand on my face and leave it on as a face mask for ~20 mins. The routine ends with heavy moisturizing of my squeaky clean skin followed by (on good days) a sheet mask while I lay on the couch binge watching Season 2 of Hello! My Twenties.

Where To Find The Best Candles In Bombay

Anyone who knows me, knows that my perfect evening includes: candles, my cats (Leo & Bagheera) and a good book (usually a fantasy novel – this is what I’m currently reading). The second two items on the list are easily acquired in Bombay (not a spelling error). The third, however, has been more of a challenge since I moved here over 4 years ago.

The perfect candle is equal parts visually appealing and strongly (but not overbearingly, allergy inducing) scented. Having one without the other is a disappointment… and unacceptable. My favourite candle brands in the whole wide world are Diptyque, Byredo and Cire Trudon. Buying these candles in India, however, comes with its own challenges – limited options and exorbitant prices (usually twice the USD value). Which  means, for the last ~4 years I’ve been asking my parents to ship these candles to me from the US — no hefty Indian import duties can come between me and my candle relaxation time. So, I thought that this is the way of the Bombay (candle) world and the only way to pacify my olfactory sense.

And then, Jo Malone opened their first Indian store in Bombay. And within that same week I discovered an the Maroma candle range at Good Earth.

Jo Malone candles stay strong throughout their burn time – Bergamot & Oud is my jam. Can’t say the same for the Good Earth candles but the scent is a-mazing for the first 8 hours so I’ll take it. I tested the Maroma Sandalwood Pillar Candle and I was sold (can the good folks at Auroville do any wrong?). These options are wayy  more affordable than shipping my usual faves so my wallet is definitely happy.

Moral of the story: Yes, the Universe does listen.

The best natural and cruelty free skincare – India Edition

India is the country that brought Ayurveda to the world. The centuries old Indian system of medicine provides super effective solutions for all your pitta, vata and kapha problems.

However, when it comes to skincare, super natural = preservative free = can last up to 30 days only if refrigerated. If you’re into that, check out Waterline – skincare so pure you can eat it (seriously).

For those who lack refrigerator space or prefer to store their skincare stash in their bedrooms/bathrooms – Kama Ayurveda and Forest Essentials give you all the Ayurvedic luxury minus the high maintenance. (On a side note, both of their hair care lines are top notch and I personally vouch for Kama Ayurveda’s Bringadi Intensive Hair Treatment Oil.)

Ayca is another all-natural Ayurvedic brand which brings more of a modern twist to Ayurveda by incorporating new-age aromatherapy to their products. Their Jasmine and Rose Body Oil is light on the skin and olfactory system. Perfect.

Moving on from Ayurveda to their Korean counterpart – Innisfree. (Note: Innisfree isn’t doesn’t have any ancient Korean medicine roots.) With stores around the country, they are definitely the biggest Korean skincare company in India — and I love them. The Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum is a best seller in its own right — use it as an essence and apply right after toner before serum.

Yes, this article is about skincare but a little organic, cruelty-free makeup never hurt anyone. Ruby’s Organics lipsticks and blushes are DA BOMB — super high quality at an unbeatable price point. Must buy.

The best skincare for oily skin

You know how you’re never supposed to pour water on an oil fire? When it comes to skincare for oily skin, the same principal holds… almost.

The media, a few dermatologists and your aunt love to tell everyone how oil-free cleansers, moisturizers, everything are the best way to go for people with oily skin. Not true. As someone who has had oily skin from literally day 1 of life, I can attest that this is just not true.

In fact, the renaissance of my skincare routine began the moment I added an oil cleanser, facial oil, oil-based moisturizers, a weekly oil hair mask and oil serum before styling my hair. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Adopt a 2-step face cleansing routine. Start with an oil cleanser and end with a foam cleanser. Your skin will thank you. (Oil cleansers are magic because only oil removes oil… from your face.)
  • Use an oil-based moisturizer during the day. It sounds intimidating and probably not the best idea if you live in a hot/humid climate but this is a total win for the winter/colder climates. I really believe that too little moisturizer makes my skin over-secrete oil thus making it look wayyy oilier than it is. The key to keeping your oily skin at bay is to make sure that your skin is nice & dewy (counter-intuitive, I know).
  • !SKINCARE GAME CHANGER ALERT! A wonderful, aromatherapy inspired, soothing cocktail of face oils for the night. Almond oil + rosehip oil + argan oil = THE BEST your skin will ever look in the morning. Puffiness be gone! Acne be gone! Dark circle be gone! I can’t even begin to tell you just how amazing this blend is — try it and let me know how it works for you! (Any face oil at night is great – lots of options out there!)
  • Weekly oil mask – I usually massage some warm coconut oil into my scalp on Saturday night while I’m binge watching something on Netflix. Coconut oil is my fav and it smeels soooo good that I sleep with it on and wake up to lightly scented, moisturized hair. The coconut hair dreams must end so I wash it off and then let my glossy locks air-dry. If coconut oil isn’t your thang, a cult-favorite (and mine) is the Bringadi hair oil by Kama Ayurveda.
  • Oil on wet hair + before styling. I love love love Ouai Hair Oil. It is seriously da bomb. I can rub it on wet hair, dry hair, semi-dry hair — it just always works.


Supplements that REALLY work

I am obsessed with self improvement and I try almost anything that is a) safe b) recommend by the internet c) comes from a reliable source. As a result, I’ve tried almost every supplement out there and continue to take the ones that prove their efficacy over time. Here are the supplements that have really worked:

  • Zinc to prevent colds. This is an absolute miracle pill. I pop one as soon as I feel the sniffles and voila – after a good night’s rest I am virtually sniffle free.
  • Fish oil is amazing for my hair, my skin and my brain. Enough said.
  • Marine collagen makes my skin glow, my hair grow faster & thicker AND reverses all the damage done to my nails through the numerous acrylic nail sessions. I drink it first thing in the morning but it’s also a popular addition to my smoothies.
  • Magnesium – I take it right before I sleep and wake up feeling ah-mazing. 

What supplements have worked for you guys? Would love to hear from you in the comments!

When Mainstream Media Betrays Feminism

I was going through my email today and stumbled upon an article from my daily list of Bloglovin’ blog recommendations. Men Are Intimidated by Women With This Trait, Study Suggests is about a study that compares female and male preferences for characteristics they look for in a potential mate. This blog also references a Psychology Today post that arrives at the same conclusion that men are not attracted to intelligent women. This study from the Warsaw School of Economics uses data from the speed dating experiment which was run at the Columbia University, New York.

Both the articles concluded that “Men are intimidated by clever or intelligent women, and generally prioritize beauty over brains”. I’ve read similar articles over the last couple of years so was going to accept this finding and move on. Instead, I clicked on the link to read the study. Lo and behold – completely contrary to the blog post conclusion, according to this study men are MORE likely to be attracted to a women who they perceive to be more ambitious than them.

This blog post states that the study’s “…findings suggest that men desire a smart or clever woman—up to a certain point. Although the sky is the limit for women in terms of valuing intelligence in men…”. The PT post also says that “there is a clear point at which men stop valuing a woman’s increasing intelligence.” This again, is not the case in the study — sure, men are more likely to date women who they perceive to be attractive but so are women! According to the study, both men AND women “give greater weight to perceived physical attractiveness than intelligence in their mating choices”.

The study ran a logit model and found that if the male is rated low on attractiveness and intelligence, the chances of him being chosen as a mate falls drastically. The same holds true for males rating females. However, the coefficients in the logit model were higher in the male’s ratings of the women than the women’s ratings for male. This would ordinarily mean that men are more “picky” than women and less likely to choose a women who is perceived to be less intelligent and less physically attractive. However, 95% percent of the observations recorded by men rated rated women’s perceived intelligence higher than or equal to 5 or physical attractiveness higher than or equal to 3. The images below taken from the study display the Male’s and Female’s physical attractiveness vs intelligence ratings. Which means, that although the coefficient in the male’s model is higher, most of the women just won’t fall under the rejection pool.

Posts like these really hurt feminism because they incorrectly shoot down men to prop up women. Feminism strives for equality. Putting men down to make women look better is NOT feminism.

If you come across an article like this in the future, I would suggest reading the corresponding study.


Indian Culture and Tea

The Indian Culture Series explores traditions, concepts and innovations that originated in India but are not credited to India. The goal of this series is to take a journey through India’s cultural past and analyse its transformation over the years.

India has the largest number of tea consumers in the world and the country is the largest producer of tea in the world. Chai – tea blended with milk and spices is known around the world as being quintessentially Indian. However, drinking tea with milk is a bad idea. Tea just doesn’t offer up its antioxident awesomeness with milk in it! Also, milk isn’t as nutritious as was earlier believed.  It is difficult to rationalise that the creators of Ayurveda would regularly consume such an unhealthy beverage.

No need to rationalise – tea with milk in it is a British concept. It’s exhausting to face the daily remnants of the British Raj that have now become ingrained in India’s culture. From the God-like reverence of white skin to the dismissal of people that don’t speak fluent English, the British Raj has left its prejudices for Indians to use against each other. In fact, I don’t think any Commonwealth nation is less proud of its culture and heritage as India is. It is not only deeply saddening but I also feel ashamed when I see people mistreat each other or poke fun at each other because of their skin colour or English accent.

India’s history with tea before the British Raj was to use it as medicine, in small quantities and without milk. The first record of tea consumption in India was during the 3rd century BC as read in the Ramayana. Ayurveda has long promoted tea for its healing properties and tulsi, elaichi, pudina teas have been used to treat ailments for many centuries. All these teas were served without milk.

Enter the British Raj. During the Mughal empire, many of the elite in the Mughal court would consume tea in small quantities. Tea was expensive since it was shipped into India from China. During this time, China had a monopoly over tea production which the British were eager to break. In 1835 the East India company established tea plantations of an indigenous variety of tea in Assam and the North Eastern states in India. In 1865, tea was planted in Darjeeling and by 1888, India had become the biggest exporter of tea in the world, exporting all the tea to the West. At this time the main consumers of tea were not Indians but the British. However, that changed when the Great Depression hit most of the western world.

With a suppressed demand for tea in Britain, the British Raj targeted India to support its tea sales. From there began an aggressive marketing campaign that included free tea samples at railway stations, promotional literature and posters explaining the “correct” aka British way to drink tea.

A powerful marketing strategy transformed India from a culture that understood and celebrated the medicinal properties of tea without milk into a culture that now mainly drinks unhealthy milk tea.

However, there is a growing trend among health conscious Indians to replace their daily chai for green tea. Tulsi and other herbal teas are also making a serious comeback with companies like Organic India introducing numerous blends.

How do you prefer to drink your tea? Also, comment below if there are any other topics you would like me to explore!


The Power of Single Tasking

So I was in yoga class yesterday struggling in a balancing pose after an especially challenging day. It was one of those recovery days after a really horrible day. A lot was on my mind when I was trying this particularly challenging balance pose. My mind was everywhere, jumping from one thought to another and like it usually happens at these times, I was also looking all over the ceiling while in the pose. So unnecessarily stressful and challenging. And that was when my yoga teacher suggested that we keep our vision fixed on one point. That changed everything. I found a spot on the wall, focused on it, and suddenly gained all the balance that I was so desperately looking for.

Focus on one thing at a time. It’s just that easy.

At work just like in life, we have so many thoughts rushing through our minds. Mostly everyone I know thinks right now about what they’re going to do 5 minutes later. That 5 minutes later never comes.

In this world where people are always hustlin’ and doing so many things, there’s real power in doing just 1-2 things at a time and doing them well. This jack of all trades mentality to life isn’t making anyone better at what they do. In fact, I have found that it stresses people out. All. The. Time.

Just like we need to focus on the moment, we should also focus on specialising in one thing at a time. Work on something, get really good at it, shine.

Make your life less complicated:

  1. Work intensely on something you love for 3-4 hours everyday.
  2. Listen to music that makes you happy.
  3. Organise your room – clutter can have a serious negative emotional impact on your mood.
  4. Make a list about what you want to achieve in the next week.
  5. Eat well – my doctor recommends 2 fruits and 1 green vegetable a day. And lots of fibre.
  6. Develop a hobby – it can be reading 1 page in a book or building a coffee table for your living room. The goal is to work at it regularly. Self achievement is the best kind of achievement.
  7. Make your heart pump for at least 30 minutes every day – go for a walk, a jog or take it all the way to HIIT.
  8. Don’t fight your feelings. Let them happen. Go through them, accept them and then release them.
  9. Talk to a friend, family member or anyone else who brings out the best in you.
  10. Buy some flowers and put them on your desk or anywhere else that you spend a lot of time.
  11. Every night, before you sleep, write down 5 things that you’re grateful for.

It’s difficult to focus sometimes. Your job might demand that you work on a zillion tasks and complete them today. For you, the best way to begin is to set realistic deadlines. If the number of tasks for the day stays the same, focus on one task at a time. Accept that other thoughts might cloud your mind while you’re working but every time that happens bring your focus back to the current job. Without reprimanding yourself for getting slightly distracted.

Your day is made up of minutes. Make every one of them count towards creating a day full of happiness.